If you want to define an alarm that will be thrown if a condition is satisfacted you need to use this commands. An alarm is defined from two parts, an actions that ill be called and a condition to be satisfacted to act.
Whn you create a new alarm you can choose between a bash or webhook action; this derfine what kind of action the system will do when activated. The bash action will call a script that must be present in the system and will be run with sculptor user. If you define webhook the action will call an http endpoint, post or get defined by you.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:create bash
Create monitor bash: ✔
$ sudo sculptor alarm:create webhook
Create monitor webhook: ✔
To configure an alarm you need to create and then know the id assigned by the system, with this command you can see all configured alarms and its parameters.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:show
| Index | Type | Name | Condition | Cron | Alarmed | Rearm | Error |
| 1 | bash | bash_test | backup | Every day at 12:00am | NO | manual | |
| 2 | webhook | No name | backup | Once an hour | NO | auto | |
Once created the actrion need to be configured, you have different parameters to determinate the constraint and parameters.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:setup 1 name "test_bash"
Parameter | Description |
name | The name of this alarm |
message | The message to send if activated |
to | Destination of the action |
condition | The condition type check |
cron | The linux cron activation cycle |
rearm | The policy of rearm, auto or manual |
Condition parameter values
The first column can be addressed to condition partameter, the second is the parameter format. The formula use the :: separator for all parameters.
Condition and parameters | Description |
backup::BACKUP-ID::DAYS | Chek a last successiveful backup age |
response-status::URL::CODE | Check a page response coce |
response-time::URL::LIMIT(ms) | Check a page response time |
system::NAME::LIMIT | Monitor name can be cpu.load,,, io.tps, io.kbreads, io.kbwrtns,, memory.used, uptime.ticks |
Every action, bash or webhook, will autocomplete a set of context variables such as limit and value reached; for bash this are env variables and for http querystring or post data.
Run an alarm manually, usuallyy to check parameters and functionality.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:run 1
If an alarm is set manual it will activate one time, then will wait an user action to reactivate.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:rearm 1
Delete an alarm.
$ sudo sculptor alarm:delete 1