
For the 0.x version the upgrade is done by entering the main agent folder and run the deploy command.

$ cd /var/www/html

$ sudo dep deploy
✈︎ Deploying master on localhost
✔ Executing task deploy:prepare
✔ Executing task deploy:lock
✔ Executing task deploy:release
✔ Executing task deploy:update_code
✔ Executing task deploy:shared
✔ Executing task deploy:writable
✔ Executing task deploy:vendors
✔ Executing task deploy:clear_paths
✔ Executing task deploy:symlink
✔ Executing task deploy:unlock
✔ Executing task deploy:owner
✔ Executing task cleanup
Successfully deployed!

$ sudo dep deploy:migrate
✔ Executing task deploy:migrate

$ sudo sculptor queue:restart
Broadcasting queue restart signal.

$ sudo sculptor system:daemons reaload web
Running web reload: ✔