To create one db the operation is trivial, you need only to supply a name; the driver is for now implicit and support only MySql databases.
$ sudo sculptor database:create my_database
Creating domain my_database: ✔
$ sudo sculptor database:show
| Name | Type | Users | Domains |
| my_database | mysql | user1 | none |
If you delete a database you will also delete all associated database user.
$ sudo sculptor database:delete my_database
Deleting database my_database: ✔
Create database user
A user can be created if associated to a database, you can specify the host and the password; generally you do not need to specify anything and a password will be generated automatically. For the current version of Sculptor only localhost is supported.
$ sudo sculptor database:user my_database user1
Creating user user1@localhost on my_database: ✔
Password generated: abc123456
Change user password
As for creation, you can only specify database and user and a new password will be generated automatically.
$ sudo sculptor database:password my_database user1
Password generated: abc123456
Delete database user
$ sudo sculptor database:delete_user my_database user1
Deleting user user1@localhost on my_database: ✔